In a real Flutter app it's not practical to assume that a Redux store can hold all the
application state. Widgets like TextField
and ListView
make use of controllers, which hold
state, and the store must be able to work alongside these.
For example, in response to the dispatching of some action you may want to clear a text-field, or you may want to scroll a list-view to the top. Even when no controllers are involved, you may want to execute some one-off processes, like opening a dialog or closing the keyboard, and it's not obvious how to do that in Redux.
Async Redux solves these problems by introducing the concept of "events" and providing
the Event
Creating events
The naming convention is that events are named with the Evt
Boolean events can be created like this:
var clearTextEvt = Event();
But you can have events with payloads of any other data type. For example:
var changeTextEvt = Event<String>("Hello");
var myEvt = Event<int>(42);
Events should be created in the initial store state as "spent",
by calling its spent()
static AppState initialState() {
return AppState(
clearTextEvt: Event.spent(),
changeTextEvt: Event<String>.spent(),
Using events
Events are accessible in the context
of widgets, and also in StoreConnector
, just like any other state:
class MyConnector extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StoreConnector<AppState, ViewModel>(
vm: () => Factory(this),
builder: (context, vm) => MyWidget(
initialText: vm.initialText,
clearTextEvt: vm.clearTextEvt,
changeTextEvt: vm.changeTextEvt,
onClear: vm.onClear,
class ViewModel extends BaseModel<AppState> {
String initialText;
Event clearTextEvt;
Event<String> changeTextEvt;
ViewModel fromStore() => ViewModel(
initialText: state.initialText,
clearTextEvt: state.clearTextEvt,
changeTextEvt: state.changeTextEvt,
onClear: () => dispatch(ClearTextAction()),
required this.initialText,
required this.clearTextEvt,
required this.changeTextEvt,
}) : super(equals: [initialText, clearTextEvt, changeTextEvt]);
// This action clears the text, by creating a boolean event.
class ClearTextAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
AppState reduce() => state.copy(changeTextEvt: Event());
// This action changes the text, by creating an event with a String payload.
class ChangeTextAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
String newText;
AppState reduce() => state.copy(changeTextEvt: Event<String>(newText));
The widget will then "consume" the events in its didUpdateWidget
and do something with the event payload:
void didUpdateWidget(MyWidget oldWidget) {
void consumeEvents() {
// Consume the event that clears the text.
// In this case the payload is a boolean.
if (widget.clearTextEvt.consume()) {
// Do something
// Consume the event that changes the text.
// In this case the payload is a String.
String? payload = widget.changeTextEvt.consume();
if (payload != null) {
// Do something
The Event.consume()
method will return the payload once, and then that event is considered "spent".
In more detail, if the event has no value and no generic type, then it's a boolean event.
This means consume()
returns true once, and then false for subsequent calls.
However, if the event has value or some generic type, then consume()
returns the value once,
and then null for subsequent calls.
So, for example, if you use a controller
to hold the text in a TextField
void consumeEvents() {
// Consume the event that clears the text.
if (clearTextEvt.consume()) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
if (mounted) controller.clear();
// Consume the event that changes the text.
var newText = widget.changeTextEvt.consume();
if (newText != null) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
if (mounted) controller.value = controller.value.copyWith(text: newText);
Try running the: Event Example.
Since events are mutable, can I really put them in the store state?
Events are mutable, and store state is supposed to be immutable. Won't this create problems? No!
Don't worry, events are used in a contained way, and were crafted to play well with the Redux
infrastructure. In special, their equals()
and hashcode()
methods make sure no unnecessary
widget rebuilds happen when they are used as prescribed.
You can think of events as piggybacking in the Redux infrastructure, and not belonging to the store state. You should just remember not to persist them when you save the store state to the local disk.
When should I use events?
The short answer is that you'll know it when you see it. When you want to do something, and it's not obvious how to do it by changing regular store state, it's probably easy to solve it if you try using events instead.
However, we can also give these guidelines:
- You may use regular store state to pass constructor parameters to both stateless and stateful widgets.
- You may use events to change the internal state of stateful widgets, after they are built.
- You may use events to make one-off changes in controllers.
- You may use events to make one-off changes in other implicit state like the open state of dialogs or the keyboard.
Advanced event features
There are some advanced event features you may not need, but you should know they exist:
tell you if an event is spent or not, without consuming the event. Methodstate
returns the event payload, without consuming the event. -
Constructor<dynamic> evt, T Function(dynamic) mapFunction)
This is a convenience factory to create an event which is transformed by some function that, usually, needs the store state. You must provide the event and a map-function. The map-function must be able to deal with the spent state (
, accordingly).For example, if
state.indexEvt = Event<int>(5)
and you must get a user from it:var mapFunction = (index) => index == null ? null : state.users[index];
Event<User> userEvt = MappedEvent<int, User>(state.indexEvt, mapFunction); -
Event.from(Event<T> evt1, Event<T> evt2)
This is a convenience factory method to create
, a special type of event which consumes from more than one event. If the first event is not spent, it will be consumed, and the second will not. If the first event is spent, the second one will be consumed. So, if both events are NOT spent, the method will have to be called twice to consume both. If both are spent, returnsnull
. -
static T consumeFrom<T>(Event<T> evt1, Event<T> evt2)
This is a convenience static method to consume from more than one event. If the first event is not spent, it will be consumed, and the second will not. If the first event is spent, the second one will be consumed. So, if both events are NOT spent, the method will have to be called twice to consume both. If both are spent, returns
. For example:String getMessageEvt() => Event.consumeFrom(firstMsgEvt, secondMsgEvt);