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Mocking actions

Mocks should be used for testing purposes, only.

You can mock actions to return specific states, to throw specific errors, or even to abort the action dispatch.


By adding mocks to the store, whenever an action is dispatched, Async Redux will check if there is a mock for the action's type. If there is, the corresponding mock function will be called to return a mock action that will be dispatched instead.

store.mocks.add(actionType, (action) => mockAction);

The action type to be mocked is set in parameter actionType shown above. The mock function is given as (action) => mockAction. It will be called to return a mockAction.

However, if mockAction is null the action will be aborted: it will not dispatch, and will not change the state or throw any errors.

Let's see a few examples:

Mocking an action with another action

// When IncrementAction() is dispatched, 
// action AddAction(1) will be dispatched instead.
store.mocks.add(IncrementAction, (action) => new AddAction(1));

Changing an action's value

// When an AddAction(value) is dispatched, instead  
// of adding, the value will be subtracted instead.
store.mocks.add(AddAction, (action) => new AddAction(-action.value));

Aborting an action

// When LoadUserAction() is dispatched, it will be aborted.
store.mocks.add(LoadUserAction, null);

Counting actions

let count = 0;
store.mocks.add(IncrementAction, (action) => {
return action;

store.dispatch(new IncrementAction());
store.dispatch(new IncrementAction());

// Assert the number of times IncrementAction() is dispatched.

Recording action values

let values = [];

store.mocks.add(AddAction, (action) => {
return action;

store.dispatch(new AddAction(2));
store.dispatch(new AddAction(9));
store.dispatch(new AddAction(5));

// Assert the values of all AddAction's dispatched.
expect(values).toEqual([2, 9, 5]);

Recording dispatched action types

let types = [];

store.mocks.add('*', (action) => {
return action;

store.dispatch(new AddAction(2));
store.dispatch(new IncrementAction(9));
store.dispatch(new LoadUserAction());

// Assert the action types dispatched.


Removes the mock for the given action type, from the store. If the action type is not mocked, the removal will be ignored (will not throw an error).

// Removes the mock for the IncrementAction.


Removes all mocks, if any.
