📄️ Setting up the Store
This tutorial's goal is to show how easy it is to use Async Redux.
📄️ Creating the state
Our Todo app state will be composed of 3 data structures, named as follows:
📄️ The basic UI
The app UI contains:
📄️ Synchronous actions
A synchronous action is a type of action that doesn't involve any asynchronous operations.
📄️ Handling action errors
We've seen how the TodoInput component dispatches
📄️ Asynchronous actions
The AddTodoAction previously described is a synchronous action.
📄️ Other improvements
Let's implement some other improvements to our todo list application:
📄️ Persisting the state
Finally, let's add a persistor to save the state to the local device disk.
📄️ Testing
How would we go about testing our Todo List app?
📄️ Full code
If you're interested in seeing the full code of Todo List applications that are even
📄️ Plain JavaScript objects
In the previous sections, we used ES6 classes to create the state.
📄️ Conclusion
This concludes the tutorial on how to create a Todo List application with Async Redux for React.