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Asynchronous actions

The AddTodoAction previously described is a synchronous action. It adds a new todo item to the list and returns the new state immediately.

Now let's see how we can create asynchronous actions, that can involve network requests, file system operations, or any other kind of asynchronous operations.

Add Random Todo

Let's create an action called AddRandomTodoAction that will read some text from a server, and use this text to add a new todo item to the list.

We'll be using an API called "Dummy Json", which is openly available at

Here is the action:

class AddRandomTodoAction extends Action {

async reduce() {
let response = await fetch("");
if (!response.ok) throw new UserException("Failed to load.");

let jsonResponse = await response.json();
let text = jsonResponse[0].todo;

return (state) => state.withTodoList(this.state.todoList.addTodoFromText(text));

As you can see above, the reduce method is now async. This allows us to use the await keyword to wait for the server response.

Another difference is that now we are not returning the new state directly. Instead, we are returning a function that receives the current state and returns the new state:

return (state) => state.withTodoList(this.state.todoList.addTodoFromText(text)); 

This is necessary when the action is asynchronous, because of the way Promises work in JavaScript. When using TypeScript, you don't need to worry about forgetting this: If you try to return the new state directly from an asynchronous action, Async Redux will show a compile time error.

Adding a spinner

We'll also add an AddRandomTodoButton with label "Add Random Todo" to our Todo List app. When clicked, this button dispatches the action we've created above.

We want to show a spinner (also called "circular progressor" or "activity indicator") or a Loading... text, while the action is running. We also want to disable the button while loading, so that the user can't click it multiple times.

We can use the useIsWaiting hook, that returns true when the action is running, and false when it is not:

function AddRandomTodoButton() {

let isLoading = useIsWaiting(AddRandomTodoAction);
const store = useStore();

return (
onClick={() => store.dispatch(new AddRandomTodoAction())}
{ isLoading
? 'Loading...'
: 'Add Random Todo'

Combining isWaiting and isFailed

You can combine the useIsWaiting and useIsFailed hooks to show both a spinner if the information is loading, and an error message if the loading fails:

function AddRandomTodoButton() {

let isLoading = useIsWaiting(AddRandomTodoAction);
let isFailed = useIsFailed(AddRandomTodoAction);
let errorText = useExceptionFor(AddRandomTodoAction)?.errorText ?? '';
const store = useStore();

return (
onClick={() => store.dispatch(new AddRandomTodoAction())}
{ isLoading
? 'Loading...'
: 'Add Random Todo'
{isFailed && <div>{errorText}</div>}

Try it yourself

Click the "Add Random Todo" button below, to add random todo items to the list:

Then, check the code below to see how the AddRandomTodoAction and AddRandomTodoButton are implemented.