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Full code

If you're interested in seeing the full code of Todo List applications that are even more complete than the one we've built in this tutorial, you can check out these examples in Async Redux's GitHub repository:

Tutorial code

As a reference, the following is the full code of the web app we built in this tutorial, fully commented, in files index.tsx, App.tsx, styles.css and State.ts.

Note all components and actions are in App.tsx, and all state types are in State.ts, just to make it easier for you to read the code. In a real app they would be split it into multiple files.

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import App from "./App";

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root")!;
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(rootElement);

<App />
import "./styles.css";
import React from "react";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Store, StoreProvider, ReduxAction } from "async-redux-react";
import { ShowUserException, ClassPersistor } from "async-redux-react";
import { useSelect, useStore, useIsWaiting } from "async-redux-react";
import { useIsFailed, useExceptionFor } from "async-redux-react";
import { useClearExceptionFor, UserException } from "async-redux-react";
import { State, TodoList, TodoItem, Filter } from "./State";

// Allows the user to reload the page without losing the todo list.
let persistor = new ClassPersistor<State>(
async () => window.localStorage.getItem("state"),
async (serialized: string) => window.localStorage.setItem("state", serialized),
async () => window.localStorage.clear(),
[State, TodoList, TodoItem, Filter]

// Sets up a dialog to show user exceptions thrown by actions.
let userExceptionDialog: ShowUserException = (exception, count, next) => {

let message = exception.title
? `${exception.title} - ${exception.message}`
: exception.message;

// Opens a browser dialog with the exception message.

// Goes to the next error in the queu, if any.

// We declare the store with its initial state etc.
const store = createStore<State>({
initialState: State.initialState,
showUserException: userExceptionDialog,
persistor: persistor,

// Base `Action` class, to simplify declaring actions.
abstract class Action extends ReduxAction<State> {}

// We wrap the component tree with a `StoreProvider`.
export default function App() {
return (
<StoreProvider store={store}>
<AppContent />

// The app is composed of:
// - A title
// - An input to add items
// - the list of todo items
// - Buttons to remove all and remove completed items
// - A button to add a random item
// - A filter button to show all, active, or completed items
function AppContent() {
return (
<div className="app">
<h1>Todo List</h1>
<TodoInput />
<ListOfTodos />
<RemoveAllButton />
<RemoveCompletedButton />
<AddRandomTodoButton />
<FilterButton />

// Input with an `Add` button.
// When the button is clicked, will dispatch an `AddTodoAction`.
function TodoInput() {
const [inputText, setInputText] = useState<string>("");

// Hook to access the store.
const store = useStore();

// Hook to check if the action failed.
const isFailed = useIsFailed(AddTodoAction);

// Hook to get the error text, in case the action failed.
const errorText = useExceptionFor(AddTodoAction)?.errorText ?? "";

// Hook to clear the error message, when the user types something new.
const clearExceptionFor = useClearExceptionFor();

async function processInput(text: string) {
// Add a todo item with the given text.
const status = await store.dispatchAndWait(new AddTodoAction(text));

// If the action was successful, clear the input text.
if (status.isCompletedOk) setInputText("");

// An input for the user to type, an "Add" button,
// and an error message in case the action failed.
return (
className={`todoInput ${isFailed ? "inputError" : ""}`}
placeholder="Type here..."
onChange={(e) => {
onKeyDown={(e) => {
if (e.key === "Enter") processInput(inputText);

<button onClick={() => processInput(inputText)}>Add</button>
<div className="errorText">{isFailed && errorText}</div>

// Vertical list of the todo items in the list.
function ListOfTodos() {

// Hook to get the list of all todo items from the state.
const todoItems = useSelect((state: State) => state.todoList.items);

return (
<div className="listOfTodos">
{, index) => (
<TodoItemComponent key={index} item={item} />

// A single todo item in the list.
// A checkbox allows the user to mark the item as completed.
function TodoItemComponent({ item }: { item: TodoItem }) {

const store = useStore();

// Hook to read the current filter from the state.
const filter = useSelect((state: State) => state.filter);

// The item is shown if it's completed or not, according to the filter.
return item.ifShows(filter) ? (
onChange={() => store.dispatch(new ToggleTodoAction(item))}
) : (
<span />

// Button removes all items, using `RemoveAllTodosAction`.
function RemoveAllButton() {

// Hook to access the store.
const store = useStore();

// The button is disabled when there are no items.
const isDisabled = useSelect((state: State) => state.todoList.isEmpty());

return (
onClick={() => store.dispatch(new RemoveAllTodosAction())}
Remove All

// Button removes all completed items, using `RemoveCompletedTodosAction`.
function RemoveCompletedButton() {

// Hook to access the store.
const store = useStore();

// The button is disabled when there are no completed items.
const isDisabled = useSelect(
(state: State) => state.todoList.countCompleted() === 0

return (
onClick={() => store.dispatch(new RemoveCompletedTodosAction())}
Remove Completed

// Button to change the filter, using `NextFilterAction`.
// Filter can be: showAll, showActive, or showCompleted.
function FilterButton() {

// Hook to access the store.
const store = useStore();

// Hook to get the current filter from the state.
const filter = useSelect((state: State) => state.filter);

return (
<button onClick={() => { store.dispatch(new NextFilterAction()); }}>

// Action to add a todo item with the given text.
// If the item already exists, throws an error.
class AddTodoAction extends Action {
constructor(readonly text: string) { super(); }

reduce() {
// Gets the current todo list.
let currentTodoList = this.state.todoList;

// If the item being added already exists, throw an error.
if (currentTodoList.ifExists(this.text)) {
throw new UserException(`The item "${this.text}" already exists.`, {
errorText: `Type something else other than "${this.text}"`,

// Add the item to the list.
let newTodoList = currentTodoList.addTodoFromText(this.text);

// Return the new state with the updated list.
return this.state.withTodoList(newTodoList);

// Action to remove all todo items from the list.
export class RemoveAllTodosAction extends Action {
reduce() {
// Return the new state with an empty todo list.
return this.state.withTodoList(TodoList.empty);

export class RemoveCompletedTodosAction extends Action {
reduce() {
// Return the new state with the todo list, but without the
// completed items. The filter is also reset to show all items.
return this.state

// Action to add a random todo item, read from an API.
class AddRandomTodoAction extends Action {
async reduce() {

// Calls an API to get a random todo item.
let response = await fetch("");

// If the API call failed, throw an error.
if (!response.ok) throw new UserException("API failed.");

// Get the text of the todo item from the response json.
let jsonResponse = await response.json();
let text = jsonResponse[0].todo;

// Return the new state with the updated todo list.
return (state: State) =>

// Button to add a random todo item, using `AddRandomTodoAction`.
function AddRandomTodoButton() {

// Hook to access the store.
const store = useStore();

// Hook to check if the given action is currently loading.
const isLoading = useIsWaiting(AddRandomTodoAction);

return (
onClick={() => store.dispatch(new AddRandomTodoAction())}
{isLoading ? "Loading..." : "Add Random Todo"}

// Action to toggle the completed status of a todo item.
class ToggleTodoAction extends Action {
constructor(readonly item: TodoItem) { super(); }

reduce() {
let newTodoList = this.state.todoList.toggleTodo(this.item);
return this.state.withTodoList(newTodoList);

// Action to change the filter to the next one.
export class NextFilterAction extends Action {
reduce() {
let newFilter = this.state.filter;

switch (newFilter) {

// If the current filter is showActive, the next is showCompleted.
case Filter.showActive:
newFilter = Filter.showCompleted;

// If the current filter is showCompleted, the next is showAll.
case Filter.showCompleted:
newFilter = Filter.showAll;

// If the current filter is showAll, the next is showActive.
case Filter.showAll:
newFilter = Filter.showActive;

// Make sure we handled all cases.
throw new Error("Unknown filter: " + newFilter);

return this.state.withFilter(newFilter);
.app {
font-family: sans-serif;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
min-height: 100vh;
background-color: #f0f0f0;

h1 {
margin-bottom: 0;

button {
height: 35px;
min-width: 60px;
background-color: rgb(72, 149, 208);
color: white;
border: 0;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 10px 20px;
margin: 18px 0px 8px 0px;

button:disabled {
opacity: 0.5;

input {
height: 30px;
padding-left: 8px;
text-transform: capitalize;
margin-right: 4px;
margin-bottom: 5px;

input[type="checkbox"] {
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: 8px;

label {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 8px;

.listOfTodos {
text-align: left;
background-color: rgb(230, 230, 230);
padding: 12px 20px 20px 20px;
max-width: 200px;
width: 100%;
box-shadow: inset 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

.listOfTodos > div {
margin-bottom: 4x;

.removeAllButton {
background-color: blue;
color: white;
height: 40px;
margin-top: 20px;

.inputError {
border: 1px solid red;
background-color: #ffe6e6;

.errorText {
color: red;
font-size: 12px;
margin-bottom: 14px;
height: 12px;
// A single todo item.
export class TodoItem {
constructor(public text: string, public completed: boolean = false) {}

toggleCompleted() {
return new TodoItem(this.text, !this.completed);

ifShows(filter: Filter) {
return (
filter === Filter.showAll ||
(filter === Filter.showCompleted && this.completed) ||
(filter === Filter.showActive && !this.completed)

// The list of all todo items.
export class TodoList {
constructor(public readonly items: TodoItem[] = []) {}

addTodoFromText(text: string): TodoList {
const trimmedText = text.trim();
const capitalizedText =
trimmedText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + trimmedText.slice(1);
return this.addTodo(new TodoItem(capitalizedText));

addTodo(newItem: TodoItem): TodoList {
if (newItem.text === "" || this.ifExists(newItem.text)) return this;
else return new TodoList([newItem, ...this.items]);

ifExists(text: string): boolean {
return this.items.some(
(todo) => todo.text.toLowerCase() === text.toLowerCase()

removeTodo(item: TodoItem): TodoList {
return new TodoList(
this.items.filter((itemInList) => itemInList !== item)

removeCompleted(): TodoList {
return new TodoList(
this.items.filter((itemInList) => !itemInList.completed)

toggleTodo(item: TodoItem): TodoList {
const newTodos = =>
itemInList === item ? item.toggleCompleted() : itemInList
return new TodoList(newTodos);

isEmpty() {
return this.items.length === 0;

countCompleted(): number {
return this.items.filter((item) => item.completed).length;

*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
yield this.items[i];

toString() {
return `TodoList{${this.items.join(",")}}`;

static empty: TodoList = new TodoList();

export enum Filter {
showAll = "Showing ALL",
showCompleted = "Showing COMPLETED",
showActive = "Showing ACTIVE",

// The app state
export class State {
todoList: TodoList;
readonly filter: Filter;

}: {
todoList: TodoList;
filter: Filter;
}) {
this.todoList = todoList;
this.filter = filter;

withTodoList(todoList: TodoList): State {
return new State({ todoList: todoList, filter: this.filter });

withFilter(filter: Filter): State {
return new State({ todoList: this.todoList, filter: filter });

static initialState: State = new State({
todoList: TodoList.empty,
filter: Filter.showAll,