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Mocking actions and reducers

To mock an action and its reducer, create a MockStore instead of a regular Store.

The MockStore has a mocks parameter which is a map where the keys are action types, and the values are the mocks. For example:

var store = MockStore<AppState>(
initialState: initialState,
mocks: {
MyAction1 : ...
MyAction2 : ...

There are 5 different ways to define mocks:

  1. Use null to disable dispatching the action of a certain type:

    mocks: {
    MyAction : null
  2. Use a MockAction<St> instance to dispatch this mock action instead, and provide the original action as a getter to the mock action.

    class MyAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
    String url;
    Future<AppState> reduce() => get(url);

    class MyMockAction extends MockAction<AppState> {
    Future<AppState> reduce() async {
    String url = (action as MyAction).url;
    if (url == '') return 123;
    else if (url == '') return 345;
    else return 678;
    mocks: {
    MyAction : MyMockAction()
  3. Use a ReduxAction<St> instance to dispatch this mock action instead.

    class MyAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
    String url;
    Future<AppState> reduce() => get(url);

    class MyMockAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
    Future<AppState> reduce() async => 123;
    mocks: {
    MyAction : MyMockAction()
  4. Use a ReduxAction<St> Function(ReduxAction<St>) to create a mock from the original action.

    class MyAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
    String url;
    Future<AppState> reduce() => get(url);

    class MyMockAction extends MockAction<AppState> {
    String url;
    Future<AppState> reduce() async {
    if (url == '') return 123;
    else if (url == '') return 345;
    else return 678;
    mocks: {
    MyAction : (MyAction action) => MyMockAction(action.url)
  5. Use a St Function(ReduxAction<St>, St) or Future<St> Function(ReduxAction<St>, St) to modify the state directly.

    class MyAction extends ReduxAction<AppState> {
    String url;
    Future<AppState> reduce() => get(url);
    mocks: {
    MyAction : (MyAction action, AppState state) async {
    if (action.url == '') return 123;
    else if (action.url == '') return 345;
    else return 678;

You can also change the mocks after a store is created, by using the following methods of the MockStore and StoreTester classes:

MockStore<St> addMock(Type actionType, dynamic mock);
MockStore<St> addMocks(Map<Type, dynamic> mocks);
MockStore<St> clearMocks();