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Test files

If you want your tests to be comprehensive you should probably have 3 different types of test for each widget:

  1. State Tests — Test the state of the app, including actions/reducers. This type of tests make use of the StoreTester described above.

  2. Connector Tests — Test the connection between the store and the "dumb-widget". In other words it tests the "connector-widget" and the "view-model".

  3. Presentation Tests — Test the UI. In other words it tests the "dumb-widget", making sure that the widget displays correctly depending on the parameters you use in its constructor. You pass in the data the widget requires in each test for rendering, and then writes assertions against the rendered output. Think of these tests as "pure function tests" of our UI. It also tests that the callbacks are called when necessary.

For example, suppose you have the counter app shown here. Then:

  • The state test could create a store with count 0 and description empty, and then dispatch IncrementAction and expect the count to become 1. Then it could test dispatching IncrementAndGetDescriptionAction alters the count to 2 and the description to some non-empty string.

  • The connector test would create a store and a page with the MyHomePageConnector widget. It would then access the MyHomePage and make sure it gets the expected info from the store, and also that the expected IncrementAndGetDescriptionAction is dispatched when the "+" button is tapped.

  • The presentation test would create the MyHomePage widget, pass counter:0 and description:"abc" parameters in its constructor, and make sure they appear in the screen as expected. It would also test that the callback is called when the "+" button is tapped.

Naming convention

Since each widget will have a bunch of related files, you should have some consistent naming convention. For example, this is my convention:

  • If some dumb-widget is called MyWidget, its file could be my_widget.dart.
  • The corresponding connector-widget could be MyWidgetConnector in my_widget_CONNECTOR.dart.
  • The three corresponding test files could be named my_widget_STATE_test.dart, my_widget_CONNECTOR_test.dart and my_widget_PRESENTATION_test.dart.

If you don't like this convention use your own, but just choose one early and stick to it.