Testing onInit / onDispose
Suppose you want to start polling information when your user enters a particular screen,
and stop when the user leaves it. This could be your StoreConnector
class MyScreen extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context)
=> StoreConnector<AppState, _Vm>(
vm: () => _Factory(),
onInit: _onInit,
onDispose: _onDispose,
builder: (context, vm) => MyWidget(...),
void _onInit(Store<AppState> store) {
void _onDispose(Store<AppState> store) {
Now you want to test that onInit
and onDispose
above dispatch the correct action to start and
stop polling.
One way to achieve this could be creating a widget test, entering and leaving the screen, and then checking that the actions were dispatched.
Instead, you may simply use the ConnectorTester
, which you can access from the store:
var store = Store(...);
var connectorTester = store.getConnectorTester(MyScreen());
var action = await store.waitAnyActionTypeFinishes([PollInformationAction]);
expect(action.start, true);
var action = await store.waitAnyActionTypeFinishes([PollInformationAction]);
expect(action.start, false);