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Counter app examples

This concludes the basics of Async Redux.

But, before we move on to more advanced concepts, let's review the basics by creating a few simple "counter application" examples.

The examples below are editable and runnable. You can change the code and see the results in real-time.

State as a number

Let's start as simple as possible. In this first example, the state is just a number of type number, and the initial state is 0:

const store = createStore<number>({
initialState: 0,

We'll create an Increment action that increments that state by 1, every time it's dispatched. Since the state itself is just a number, the action reducer must return this.state + 1 to increment it.

class Increment extends ReduxAction<number> {
reduce() {
return this.state + 1;

To create a component that shows the counter in the screen, we use the useAllState hook. This hooks returns the whole state, which here is the counter value itself: const counter = useAllState().

We also need a second hook called useStore, which gives us a reference to the store with const store = useStore(). This is necessary because when the user clicks a button we want to dispatch the Increment action with store.dispatch(...).

Please read the code below and see if you understand everything.

Try modifying the above code to add a second button named "Decrement" that decrements the counter by 1 by dispatching an action called Decrement.

State as a plain JavaScript object

In this second example, the state is a plain JavaScript object. If we use TypeScript, we can define its type like this:

type State = {
counter: number;

The initial state is an object with counter zero:

const store = createStore<State>({
initialState: {
counter: 0,

The Increment action increments the state by 1. The state is now an object of type State, which means the counter is state.counter. The action reducer returns a new object, incrementing the counter by one: { counter: this.state.counter + 1 }.

class Increment extends ReduxAction<State> {
reduce() {
return {
counter: this.state.counter + 1,

To show the counter in the screen we could still use the useAllState hook, which returns the whole state, and then just get the counter value:

const state = useAllState();
const counter = state.counter;

However, this would mean that every time the state changed, the component would re-render. That's ok, since in this simple example the state is just the counter anyway, but we can do better.

If we use the useSelect hook to "select" just the counter, the component will only re-render when the counter changes, even when later we add more information to the state.

const counter = useSelect((state) => state.counter);

In other words, this is an optimization which will prevent unnecessary re-renders when the parts of the state that change are not the ones we are interested in, in this particular component.

Just as before, we'll also use the useStore hook to get a reference to the store and dispatch the action.

Please read the code below, see if you understand everything, and compare it with the previous example.

State as a class

In this third example, the state is of type State, which is a class we'll create. It could contain all sorts of information, but in this case, it's just a number counter:

class State {
constructor(public readonly counter: number = 0) {}

The initial state is an instance of this class: new State(0):

const store = createStore<State>({
initialState: new State(0),

The Increment action increments the state by 1. The state is now an instance of State, which means the counter is state.counter. The action reducer returns a new instance of the class, incrementing the counter by one: new State(this.state.counter + 1).

class Increment extends ReduxAction<State> {
reduce() {
return new State(this.state.counter + 1);

We'll use the useSelect hook to "select" just the counter, so that the component will only re-render when the counter changes, even when later we add more information to the state.

const counter = useSelect((state) => state.counter);

In other words, this is an optimization which will prevent unnecessary re-renders when the parts of the state that change are not the ones we are interested in, in this particular component.

Just as before, we'll also use the useStore hook to get a reference to the store and dispatch the action.

Please read the code below, see if you understand everything, and compare it with the previous examples.

State modifies itself

If you look at the Increment action, you'll see it reads the counter from the current state, and uses it to create a new, modified state:

class Increment extends ReduxAction<State> {
reduce() {
return new State(this.state.counter + 1);

While this works, it's breaking the encapsulation of the State class. In other words, the knowledge of how to modify the state is outside the state itself.

We can fix this by adding a class function (or more precisely, a method) to the State class. This function is called increment, and it returns a new state with an incremented counter.

class State {
constructor(public readonly counter: number = 0) {}

increment() {
return new State(this.counter + 1);

Now, the Increment action may simply call this function:

class Increment extends ReduxAction<State> {
reduce() {
return this.state.increment();

This is a better design, because:

  • The State class now encapsulates all the knowledge of how to modify itself. You may think this is only a small improvement, and it is, but it will make a big difference in a real app, when the state becomes complex.

  • Adding such functions make it trivial to modify the state and keep it immutable, without you ever needing external libraries like Immer.

  • Finally, it makes the code much easier to test, as you can test the State class in isolation, without needing to create actions and reducers.

To sum up:


In the action, avoid directly accessing parts of the current state to create the new state. Instead, add functions to the state class that return a new instance with the updated state, and call these functions from the action.

Check the following code. It includes state functions to increment and decrement the state, Increment and Decrement actions, and respective buttons to dispatch them.

Functions calling functions

In the above code, the State class above has two functions, increment and decrement:

class State {
constructor(public readonly counter: number = 0) {}

increment() {
return new State(this.counter + 1);

decrement() {
return new State(this.counter - 1);

Since functions can call other functions, we can create a parameterized add function, and then modify increment and decrement to use it:

class State {
constructor(public readonly counter: number = 0) {}

add(value: number) {
return new State(this.counter + value);

increment() { return this.add(1); }
decrement() { return this.add(-1); }

Creating simple functions, and then composing them to create more complex, specialized functions, is a good idea that will simplify your code.

We can also create parameterized actions. For example, we can create an Add action that receives a number and calls the add function:

class Add extends ReduxAction<State> {
constructor(readonly value: number) { super(); }

reduce() {
return this.state.add(this.value);

In the Increment and Decrement buttons, we can now dispatch the Add action with 1 and -1:

<Button onClick={() => store.dispatch(new Add(1))}>Increment</Button>
<Button onClick={() => store.dispatch(new Add(-1))}>Decrement</Button>

Defining a Base action

A real app may have dozens or hundreds of actions. Since all of them must extend ReduxAction<State>, let's create a base class for them, called Action:

abstract class Action extends ReduxAction<State> {}

Now, all actions can extend Action instead of ReduxAction<State>. For example:

class Add extends Action {
constructor(readonly value: number) { super(); }

reduce() {
return this.state.add(this.value);

Testing state and actions

I suggest you create tests for all your state classes.

For example, this is how you could test the above State class with Jest:

import { State } from './path-to-your-state-file'; 

describe('State', () => {

it('should initialize with a default counter of 0', () => {
expect(new State().counter).toBe(0);

it('should initialize with a given counter value', () => {
expect(new State(5).counter).toBe(5);

it('should increment the counter by 1', () => {
expect(new State().increment().counter).toBe(1);

it('should decrement the counter by 1', () => {
expect(new State(5).decrement().counter).toBe(4);

it('should add a given value to the counter', () => {
expect(new State(5).add(3).counter).toBe(8);

You can also create tests for your actions.

However, if your actions mostly call functions in your state classes, and you already tested those functions as shown above, don't test all the variations again.

Just test enough to make sure the actions are calling the right functions with the right parameters. For example, this is how I would test the Add action, just to make sure it's wired to the add function.

import { Store } from 'path-to-your-store-file';
import { State } from 'path-to-your-state-file';
import { Add } from 'path-to-your-action-file';

describe('Add action', () => {
let store;

beforeEach(() => {
store = createStore<State>({ initialState: new State(3) });

it('should increment the counter by the given value', () => {
store.dispatch(new Add(5));

Asynchronous counter

As one last example, let's create an asynchronous counter.

When the user clicks a button, we'll wait for 1 second before incrementing the counter.

The async process in this case is simply waiting for 1 second, but note it could be anything that takes time to finish, like fetching data from a server.

Importantly, while the async process is running the button will be disabled, so that the user must wait to click the button again.

This is the original, synchronous Increment action:

class Increment extends Action {
reduce() {
return this.state.add(1);

To make it asynchronous, we need to:

  • Mark the reduce function as async.
  • Add an await new Promise(...) that waits for 1 second.
  • Instead of returning a new state, return a function that returns a new state.

This is the result:

class Increment extends Action {
async reduce() {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
return (state) => this.state.add(1);

We also want to disable the button while the async process is running. In the component, we can use the useIsWaiting hook to get a boolean that tells us if we're currently waiting for a specific action to finish or not.

In our case, we want to wait until the Increment action finishes:

const isWaiting = useIsWaiting(Increment);

This is the original button:

<button onClick={() => store.dispatch(new Increment())}>

All we need to do is set the button's disabled property:

onClick={() => store.dispatch(new Increment())}>

Try pressing the "Increment" button and see that it disables for 1 second before incrementing the counter:

To adapt our tests for the Increment action being asynchronous, we need to apply a small change to them. This doesn't work anymore:

it('should increment the counter by one', () => {
let store = createStore<State>({ initialState: new State(3) });

store.dispatch(new Increment()); // Here!

If we dispatch an asynchronous action with function dispatch, as shown above, this function it will return immediately, and the test will check the state before the action finishes.

Instead, we should use dispatchAndWait, which returns a Promise that resolves when the action finishes. This means we can use await to wait for the action to finish, and then check the state:

it('should increment the counter by one', async () => {
let store = createStore<State>({ initialState: new State(3) });

await store.dispatchAndWait(new Increment()); // Here!

Note: If you prefer not to worry about whether actions under test are synchronous or asynchronous, you can always use dispatchAndWait instead of dispatch. It works in both cases.

This concludes our review of the basics of Async Redux. However, if you want to become an advanced Async Redux user, continue reading the next sections. The next one will cover advanced topics related to actions.