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User exceptions

Actions that fail can simply throw errors.

Those errors can be of any type, but in this page we'll discuss a special type of error called UserException, which is provided natively by Async Redux. It represents errors that are not bugs in the code, but rather something that the user can fix.

In other words, if something wrong happens in an action, you can throw new UserException('Some suitable error message') to automatically open a dialog and show a message to the user.


Pretend a user is transferring money in your app, but the user typed $0.00 as the amount to transfer. This is an error, but you don't want to log this as an app bug. Instead, you want to show a message to the user saying "You cannot transfer zero dollars".

This is a perfect use case for UserException:

class TransferMoney extends Action {
constructor(private amount: number) {}

reduce() {
if (this.amount === 0)
throw new UserException('You cannot transfer zero dollars.');

return state.copy({
cashBalance: state.cashBalance - this.amount

As another example, suppose you want to save the user's name, but you only accept names with at least 4 characters. If the user types a name with less than 4 chars, you want to show an error message to the user. You also want to show an error message if the server failed to save the user:

class SaveUser extends Action {
constructor(private name: string) {}

async reduce() {
if ( < 4)
throw new UserException('Name must have at least 4 letters.');

await this.saveUser(;
return (state) => state.copy({user: state.user.copy({name:}});

async saveUser(name: string) {
const response = await'/api/user', { name });
if (response.status !== 200) {
throw new UserException('Something went wrong when saving the user');

Error queue

When an action causes a UserException, it automatically goes into a special error queue in the store. From there, an "error widget" can show these errors to the user, one at a time.

Your Team Lead should set up the error widget once for everyone. Regular developers only need to throw UserExceptions in their daily work.

You can decide how the error widget looks. It could be a dialog box with the error message, a toast notification, a list of errors shown somewhere, or something else.

Creating your own widget for the error queue is a more advanced topic. For now, we'll focus on using the built-in error dialog provided by Async Redux.

Show error messages in a dialog

Async Redux automatically opens a dialog to show the message of all the UserException errors thrown by actions. For this to work, however, you must set up the desired dialog, toast, or other suitable UI element.

This is done by providing the showUserException parameter, when you create the store:

const store = createStore<State>({
initialState: new State(),
showUserException: userExceptionDialog, // Here!

For example, the following is a possible userExceptionDialog function that opens a dialog with the error message thrown by the action:

import { Button, Dialog, DialogActions, DialogContent } from '@mui/material';
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";

// Alternative 1: Using a browser dialog
const userExceptionDialog: ShowUserException =
(exception, count, next) => {
let message = exception.title ? `${exception.title} - ${exception.message}` : exception.message;

// Alternative 2: Using the MUI library (
export const userExceptionDialog: ShowUserException = (exception: UserException, _count: number, next: () => void) => {
const container = document.getElementById('dialog-root');
if (!container) return;
const root = createRoot(container!);
const closeDialog = () => {
<Dialog open={true} onClose={closeDialog}>
<p>{exception.title || 'Error'}</p>
<Button onClick={closeDialog}>OK</Button>